frammenti Stefania Sabatino
edited by director Umberto Cementano

The Museum, masterfully handled by director Umberto Celentano, so goes the dialogue started some time ago with the art world, which have already been highlighted in recent years, with rare lithic pieces where primitive men have testified to their intellectual evolution. Now, as a new and exciting stage of this fil rouge with the art, the Museum opened its halls to the paintings and sculptures of Stefania Sabatino in them has put all her energy research already voiced in other prestigious national exhibitions and particularly in the area of Vesuvius.
Stefania Sabatino in his paintings with curvy, and at the same time, vital female forms reminds us of, even in the choice of titles of the paintings, our inseparable relationship with the material, starting with water and fire. The blue of some paintings, enclosed in perturbing anatomical expressions, can be read as an outflow of water that assumes its role as the lifeblood of our existence. The same can be said of the various shades of red in the fragments of female bodies attract flows magmatic or delicate pink and purple are combined with the warm tones of rodocrositi and fluorites display in the Museum.
Umberto Celentano
© 2012